Kobe International Economic Studies
Yoshimichi Murakami. "Do deep regional trade agreements facilitate regional production networks in Latin American and Caribbean countries?" Review of World Economics, Forthcoming
Manabu Furuta, Takahiro Sato, and Keijiro Otsuka. 2024 "Successful Foreign Direct Investment through the development of part supply industries in the host country: A study of India’s automobile manufacturing sector." The Developing Economies, Vol. 62(3), pp. 195-237.
Hiroyuki Nishiyama and Mizuki Tsuboi. "An employment double dividend and welfare in a North-South model of trade with or without international policy coordination." Environmental Economics and Policy Studies. Published online: 12, Feb., 2024
Takanori Shimizu and Hisayuki Okamoto. 2024. "Tourism infrastructure and the environment: how does environmental regulation affect welfare, tourism industry, and domestic wage inequality?" Japanese Economic Review. Vol. 75, pp. 147-179.
Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Yasuhiro Gintani, and Mizuki Tsuboi. 2024. "The impact of trade on growth and welfare with heterogeneous firms and rent-sharing." International Review of Economics and Finance. Vol. 89(B), pp.731-742.
Yoshimichi Murakami and Nomura Tomokazu. 2023. "Decline in values of degrees and recent evolution of wage inequality: Evidence from Chile." Estudios de Economía. Vol. 50(1), pp.55-132.
Hitoshi Saito, Haruaki Hirota, Hideo Yunoue, and Miki Miyaki. 2023. "Do municipal mergers internalise spatial spillover effects? Empirical evidence from Japanese municipalities." The Annals of Regional Science. Vol.70(2), pp.379-406.
Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Sayaka Takada, and Mizuki Tsuboi. 2022. "Trade liberalization, an employment double-dividend hypothesis, and welfare with heterogeneous firms." The International Economy. Vol. 25, pp.19-38.【第18回(2023年度)日本国際経済学会小島清賞優秀論文賞受賞論文】
Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Azusa Fujimori, and Takahiro Sato. 2022. "Regional disparities, firm heterogeneity, and the activity of Japanese manufacturing multinationals in India." Pacific Economic Review. Vol. 27(5), pp.462-488.
Hirota Haruaki and Hideo Yunoue. 2022. "Fiscal rules and creative accounting : Evidence from Japanese municipalities." Journal of The Japanese and International Economies. Vol. 63.
Atsuyuki Kato. 2022. "Trade competition between ASEAN, China and India: The post trade war and COVID-19 scenario." Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies. Vol. 14(2), pp.163-184.
Hiroyuki Nishiyama and Yasuhiro Gintani. 2021. "Globalization trap? Trade and labor market interactions revisited." The International Economy. Vol. 24, pp.166-186.
Willem Thorbecke and Atsuyuki Kato. 2021. "How would a slowdown in the People's Republic of China affect its trading partners?" Asia and the Global Economy. Vol. 1(2), article 10015.
Azusa Fujimori, Manabu Furuta, and Takahiro Sato. 2021. "Technological diffusion through foreign direct investment: A unit-level
analysis of Indian manufacturing industries." Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 56(39), pp.10-14.
Yoshimichi Murakami. 2021. "Trade liberalization and wage inequality: Evidence from Chile." Journal of International Trade & Economic Development. Vol. 30(3), pp.407-438.
Atsushi Kato and Atsushi Fukumi. 2020. "Political economy of agricultural electricity tariffs: Rural politics of Indian States." Energy Policy. Vol. 145.
Hirota Haruaki and Hideo Yunoue. 2020. "Public investment and the fiscal common pool problem on municipal mergers in Japan." Economic Analysis and Policy. Vol. 67, pp. 124-135.
Yasuko Ishiguro. 2019. "The effects of macroeconomic policy with a disparity in price elasticity between private-and public-sector demands." Scottish Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 66(5), pp. 631-648.
Takahiro Sato and Aradhna Aggarwal. 2019. "Productivity dynamics and rural industrialisation in India." Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics (First Published: 3 Dec , 2019)
Kana Haraguchi. 2019. Organisational innovation by manufacturing SMEs in Vietnam. In Nobuaki Matsunaga (Ed.), Innovation in Developing Countries (pp. 77–98). Singapore: Springer.
Mizuki Tsuboi. 2019. "Resources scarcity, technological progress, and stochastic growth." Economic Modelling. Vol. 81, pp.73-88.
Yasuyuki Sugiyama and Patcharin Koonsed. 2019. "International recycling firm joint ventures and optimal recycling standards." Environmental Economics and Policy Studies. Vol. 21(3), pp. 427-449.
Mizuki Tsuboi. 2019. "Consumption, welfare, and stochastic population dynamics when technology shocks are (un)tied." Economic Modelling. Vol. 79, pp. 74-85.
Willem Thorbecke and Atsuyuki Kato. 2018. “Exchange rate and the Swiss economy.” Journal of Policy Modeling Vol. 40(6),
pp. 1182-1199.
Mizuki Tsuboi. 2018. "Stochastic accumulation of human capital and welfare in the Uzawa-Lucas model: An analytical characterization." Journal of Economics. Vol. 125(3), pp. 239-261.
鎌田伊佐生. 2024. 「国際貿易と貿易の利益」若杉隆平(編著)『基礎から学ぶ国際経済と地域経済(第2版)』文眞堂所収(第Ⅱ部2章. pp.117-126)
鎌田伊佐生. 2024. 「グローバル化する企業」若杉隆平(編著)『基礎から学ぶ国際経済と地域経済(第2版)』文眞堂所収(第Ⅱ部3章. pp.127-135)
鎌田伊佐生. 2024. 「貿易と投資の国際ルール」若杉隆平(編著)『基礎から学ぶ国際経済と地域経済(第2版)』文眞堂所収(第Ⅱ部5章. pp.146-154)
佐藤隆広編著. 2023.『経済大国インドの機会と挑戦』白桃書房
佐藤隆広・上野正樹編著. 2021.『図解インド経済大全』白桃書房
仲井 翔, 岡本 久之, 清水 隆則. 2018. 「ツーリズム経済の環境政策が要素報酬と経済厚生に及ぼす効果の包括的分析」『国際経済』第69巻, pp.107-132.【第14回(2019年度)日本国際経済学会小島清賞優秀論文賞受賞論文】